How To Bypass Websites that Block "AdBlock" (e.g. Forbes)

How to Bypass and Disable the "We have detected you are using AdBlock" pop-up message for good.

There are nearly 3.2 billion internet users surfing the web as we speak, out of these individuals 6% use the popular browser extension, 'Adblocker,' a third party add-on that removes online advertisements. Its popular use has collectively cost publishers $22 billion this year alone, motivating content creators to employ "ad-block" blockers - 'jQuery' codes that detect and restrict users' access to their website who use the popular extension. Showing up as annoying and unescapable messages like 'We have Detected you are using AdBlock, can you turn it off or pause it to access the page?' However, thankfully, there is a work around... 

Control your Referral to avoid Content Walls (Forbes, NYT & WSJ Specific) 

Java Script Referral to Block Adblock

For Chrome Users

Simply install the extension, Referrer Control on Google Chrome and then simply mask your referral information when you enter the Forbes Website. Once installing the add-on, click on the blue globe icon that appears on the right of the URL bar. Type in "" and click the "to" button (as shown above) and you're done! 

Referral Control to Block Messages to Turn off Adblock

For Firefox Users

Once installing the "RefControl" add-on, an icon (shown above) will appear to the right of your URL bar. Click the arrow to the right of the icon and then click "RefControl Options". When a window appears click "add site" and type the URL "," click the option "block" and then click "OK". Then click "add site" again, and repeat the process but instead copy and paste "," click "Block" and click "OK". When the two sites are added, (as shown in the image above), click "OK". Remember to delete any cookies or history that is stored by '" on your browser. Now simply type "" in your URL bar and you'll be taken to the website's homepage or to a blank welcome screen where you can simply click continue and access the homepage instead. 

Related Story: Websites Blocking "Adblock" (e.g. Forbes) have LOST Readership

For Other Stubborn Websites (Optional)

TamperMoney Chrome Extension to Block Adblock Messages

1) Install "Tampermonkey" Extension

This add-on is a 'userscript manager,' in more basic terms, this allows you to view the web your way, by allowing you to block or add components to your favourite websites (like blocking the annoying "login" screen on Pinterest). 


Anti-Adblock Extension for Chrome

2) Paste "Anti-Adblock Killer" URL in the Utilities TAB 

Once downloading theadd-on, a black square with two white circles willappear to the right of your URL bar. Simply click the icon to reveal a menu and select "dashboard". You will be then directed to a custom website, just click on the Utilities TAB and copy and paste the following URL. Adblock%20Killer%20%7C%20Reek.user.js 

Adblock Killer Script

Finally, click "import" and then "install". 

Delete Cookies and Site Data to disguise Adblock

3) Delete Cookies 

After installing the extension, as a preventative measure, make sure to delete all cookies stored on your computer by the website in question. For Chrome users this can be done simply by copying and pasting "chrome://settings/cookies" in the URL bar and searching and deleting the offending cookies. 

For Firefox users, this process is more complicated and explained step-by-step on Mozilla's website. Unfortunately, this step may need to be taken once and while for stubborn websites. 

That's All Folks! 

Note that websites may still say to "turn off Adblocker," however with Anti-Adblock Killer, Referrer Control and/or RefControlinstalled, they can no longer detect the use of the Adblocker extension.


  1. A

    You're awesome, thanks so much!

    1. AA

      Thanks, I'm glad it worked for you, not many people were commenting and I was getting worried. By the way I'm told that this tutorial also works with Hulu and Comedy Central as well.

    2. AA

      I second your awesomeness. Thanks! ^__^

  2. j

    The firefox "content referrer" you link to in #1 looks nothing like that and didn't work for me. :-(

    1. jA

      I apologise for the inconvenience. The article has been updated and screenshots have been added for Firefox users.

  3. U

    I'm using Chrome and this worked like a charm, gonna try this in Firefox later. Thank you very much :)

  4. A

    "Its popular use has collectively cost publishers $22 billion this year alone"

    Or so the advertising companies claim.

  5. U
  6. A

    You have served humanity, thank you very much for good.

  7. A
  8. A

    This is brilliant! Thanks a bunch :)

  9. A

    Chrome addon doesn't work on Forbes as a Feb 9th. Seeing similar comments about WSJ in the addon comments. Seems like they've beat this method. The war continues.

    1. AA

      Nevermind, user error. Had it on Normal instead of Block. Make sure to click block.

  10. A

    You, sir, are a white knight on a gilded internet steed. Thank you!

  11. A

    Comment by Anonymous on Feb 10, 2016 at 4:55am said it didn't work on Forbes then said he mistakenly didn't set it to block.

    Well, today is Feb 18 and I do have both set to block and followed the directions given and it does not work on Forbes, they still detected (even with this Firefox Ref addon installed) that I am using an adblocker and won't let me in. I try to ignore and press continue anyhow but it keeps coming up with message to disable adblocker. So for me this Firefox addon and the directions here including deleting cookies and history and cache doesn't work.

    1. AA

      Disable javascript for

  12. A

    You can also disable javascript for that particular website. Something I did to

  13. A

    Hello John! Those bastards did something on forbes. I installed the REfaddon and opened a new tab, clicked block java, then pasted the usa forbes link. It took me to the welcome screen of greed. Help? Did I do something wrong?

  14. A

    That greasemonkey script suggestion works a charm on a certain news site that starts with an F and ends with an s.

  15. F

    Any suggestions for enterprises using a gateway web filter?

    1. FC

      That won't wprk. Forbes is now detecting ad blocking at the router level. So whatever filtering appliance you are using to block ads will now be detected no matter what you do.

  16. A

    Thanks, I don't even have to wait for the countdown on Forbes anymore.

  17. C

    Forbes has really tightened thing down. Even router level ad blocking is now detected by Forbes, and that previously workd

  18. U

    I followed the steps and it is not working for , BlockAdblock crap is showing up.

  19. A

    It worked for me! thanksyou!

  20. A

    People did not mind ads in the beginning. They were unobtrusive, unoffensive, quiet, and sometimes worth clicking on. Fast forward a few years, and ads have taken over everything. Where's the number about how much users' bandwidth has been wasted by excessive ads?

    1. AA

      If ads went back to being quite and unoffensive we could all double our internet speeds even without upgrading infrastructure.

      Since smartphones have taken over it's all gone commercial to cater to the *Pay n Go* crowd and the internet is literally just as bad if not worse then cable Tee Vee.

  21. A
  22. C

    Actually, sites are uppiing their game. Even if they cannot detect AdBlock itself, they can still detect that you are blocing ads. This is becuase businesses are blocking ads at the firewall level, so they are modifying sites to check and see what exactly is loaded.

  23. A

    Can't belive it could work so seamlessly .. as seamless as installing ABP plugin and forgetting about embarrassment of stupid ads popping up on your screen.

    Just an additional step, one must configure AAK list after installing the script. It's option is provided in TamperMonkey's notification list. Please add this as step 4.

  24. A

    Just tried it and it didn't work for me :( Using Chrome "Version 51.0.2704.106 m" and Windows 7. I didn't disable Javascript because that's more effort than I want to put into it at the moment. Sometimes it's easier to simply ignore ads instead of jumping through their hoops.

  25. A

    Nick Brandon, you sir are a true friend to all of us. Thank you for this well written and useful tutorial. For those having problems, play with the settings and you'll find one that works for you.

  26. A

    Nick, Thanks! The TamperMoney script option works for me in Chrome. Finally I can visit Indian news sites like Times of India that display just way too many ads (including blinking kinds and constantly changing kinds) that slow down page load.

  27. A

    Ads blocker stops the revenue for publishers. Ad blocker detected notification may be positive for publishers.

    1. AA

      I dont care about that. Power users and hackers do not need to view Ads. Its fine for the rest of the 97% of the population, they can view the Ads. The Ad companies only have themselves to blame by putting ads that where too obtrusive, pop-ups and other elements that take over your screen and force you to click on something in order to continue reading.

  28. A

    It worked! The tutorial is awesome.

    Thank you for your time :)

  29. M

    Worked like a charm. Thanks.

  30. A

    Hey guys for streaming site like openload youwatch donwload it directly on is cool

  31. A

    This didn't work for me on Firefox. I think Forbes has gotten smarter.

  32. U

    To hell with Forbes. i just wont use them. nothing they have is worth anything anyways, FUCK forbes

  33. A

    Forbes have gone the *Smartphone* dumb crowd of click baiting instead of quality writing and have joined the trend of everything being dumbed down to stupid interfaces for stupid people.

    Literally since 64 bit computing killed backwards compatibility (VISTA) for a loT of things and what's left of software makers are not making new things without going to the phone model of *pay per view* where you don't get to keep anything without feeding the meter it's all over baby.

    We are essentially back to dumb terminals of the 1970s which is what smartphones are.

    Terminals that need to be *linked* to a far away server to do anything as smartphones have very little memory storage just enough for some songs and pictures but not production software or business software for offline use.

    The terminals themselves are limited to whatever the boss allows you to see and can cut you off at anytime.

  34. U

    Thank you very much! Oh I dream of the day the web will be free of ads! (never)

  35. A

    Nick you are a genius! thank you so much!

  36. R
  37. M

    Worked great for me, tested on site with a live soccer game.
    Thank you so much!


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